I think that I speak for everyone when I say that there is nothing worse than finding some rat droppings around your home. They are probably the most tell-tale sign that there is an infestation nearby, and unfortunately for some, they can cause a real problem.
This article looks to act as a guide for anyone that has been unfortunate enough to find droppings nearby and will provide you with 3 key signs that there may be a rat infestation nearby!
Table of Contents
I’ve found rat droppings; what now?
Well to begin with, don’t panic (too much). While it is unpleasant, you can avail of pest control services, and they will help you get rid of the problem altogether. The time at which the droppings are found can also be relevant. If rats are visible during the day, it may mean that the infestation is a little larger.
Droppings are usually hard to find and will be located in cupboards, under sinks and near food areas and garbage bags. Typically, droppings can be found around where the rats are feeding or nesting, so they may be close by if you have found some poo.
Here are the dos and don’ts of finding rat poo
If you fond poo: DO | If you find poo: DON’T |
· Call a Pest Control team ASAP. They are best equipped to deal with a possible infestation safely.
· Wear protective gear if and when you do decide to clean up the poo · Spray a bleach-like cleaner on the poo and leave it for a few moments. · Use gloves and plenty of tissue when picking it up. · Wash your gloves with warm soapy water for a minute and then once the gloves are off, wash your hands too! · Steam clean furniture nearby and mop the floors very well. |
· Vacuum or sweep the poo because you will risk spreading the bad chemicals and potential Hantavirus into the air
· Keep the cleaning equipment that you used like gloves or masks. · Neglect the potential that you cold have contracted Hantavirus. The symptoms are flu like and can include nausea or shortness of breath in more difficult situations, so always be careful |
Other Signs of Infestation
As promised, here are 3 signs (other than the presence of rat poop, that you could have a rat infestation in your home or nearby:
- There are gnaw marks on the walls or on food packages – This is a pretty tell-tale sign. Typically, gnaw marks will be light in color when newer and will get darker as time passes. Larger marks may also indicate a rat problem; smaller ones will indicate a possible mouse infestation.
- There is a bad smell – Rats and mice carry disease and love to be around dirt and garbage, so they will likely carry a bad odor with them! If you have a pet, they may also become very interested in certain areas where there may be a bad smell. You should look out for this!
- There are nests nearby – Rodent nests are usually made up of garbage, fabric, paper, or dried plant leaves. If you find a nest near your home, there is likely an infestation, and you should look to call pest control services asap.
Typically, the use of a 10-15% chlorine bleach solution is a good idea. Mix 100-120ml of the bleach solution with 2 liters of hot water and spray the drops with the solution. It is recommended not to sweep or vacuum the droppings up because doing so will keep the pathogens from the poo in your vacuum or brush. Once you have sprayed the poop, look to pick the droppings up with a paper towel
The most common way of identifying whether rat droppings are old or new is by looking at their color. If they are darker and shiny in nature, then they are probably newer. If they are more discolored or grey and dusty, they are probably a little older and may even be from a previous infestation.
Of course, the best thing to do if you are to find rat droppings in your home is to clean them up as quickly as you can. Rat droppings are similar to the animals that they come from in that they can carry awful diseases, and this can affect humans too. One thing to consider if you do find droppings is that there may be rats present or nearby. Look to prevent their re-entry or ensure they are not around and can not get back into your home.
Yes, rat and mouse poo carries a series of harmful bacteria that, when even inhaled, can prove to be dangerous for humans. Hantavirus is a common symptom of breathing in rat poo. The scary part is many people don’t even know that they are doing it.
Rat and mice droppings are one of the most unpleasant sights you can see in your home. If you have any, you have a rodent infestation and need to do something about it ASAP. Rat droppings are the leading cause of rat-transmitted diseases.