The Philodendron Rojo Congo is one of many widely sought Philodendron plant varieties. It is a hybrid species that was produced by crossing the Philodendron Imperial Red with Philodendron Tatei.
The Philonderon Rojo Congo will capture the attention and praise of anyone setting their eyes on it. This gorgeous and elegant plant has incredibly striking looks due to its red foliage, fashioned with dark green leaves and ruby hues.
The Philodendron has well over 450 varieties, but today we will be discussing the famous Philodendron Rojo Congo.
Table of Contents
Meet The Philodendron Rojo Congo: Basic knowledge and Origins
German naturalist George Marcgraf first discovered the Philodendrons back in 1644 but got them their distinct name in 1829.
Philodendrons are tropical plants native to South America. They have now become trendy houseplants.
The Philodendron Rojo Congo grows to a peak height of 2 feet; it has a ‘self-heading’ growth pattern, which means that it grows upwards and outwards without the need of any extrinsic support.
This hybrid variety gets its elegance from the deep red stems and gorgeous leathery leaves that reflect shades of green and burgundy.
Family Type | Araceae |
Common Name | Philodendron Rojo Congo |
Botanical Name | Philodendron Rojo Congo PBR |
Plant Type | Perennial and Shrubs |
Size | 45-60cm |
Native Area | South America |
Sun Exposure | Indirect sunlight |
Soil Consistency | Loose, well-draining soil |
Soil pH | Mildly acidic |
Toxicity | Toxic to humans and animals |
Common Pests | Aphids and mealybugs |
Varieties of Philodendron
There are over 400 varieties of the popular Philodendron in the world. These varieties can be categorized based on their height, colors, size, growing patterns, etcetera. Here are a few popular types of Philodendron.
Philodendron Birkin
Birkin is a decently priced variety of Philodendrons. It has dark and glossy leaves with white streaks going through them, making for a highly attractive-looking plant.
Philodendron Domesticum
Also known as the elephant-ear philodendron, this variant is known for its huge leaves that can grow up to 2 feet tall. Its leaves resemble an elephant’s ear.
Philodendron Erubescens
Erubescens is known as the blushing philodendron due to its red stems and heart-shaped leaves with red veins.
Philodendron Bipennifolium
This variant has unique leaves that are shaped like a horse’s head. The leathery leaves taper towards the bottom and are wide on the top, making them look like ears.
Philodendron Melanochrysum
Also known as the black gold philodendron, this plant has gorgeous leaves that sprout pink. Once matured, they turn into an elegant dark green with a bronze tint.
Philodendron Martianum
The Martianum has swollen-looking stems and beautiful upright leaves. It is also known as the fat boy.
Philodendron Imperial Red
New leaves of the Imperial Red appear to be deep red to maroon in color, which later mature to a darker green. This variety has a distinct, appealing rosette growth pattern.
How to Care for the Philodendron Rojo Congo
The Philodendron Rojo Congo is an elegant-looking plant that requires bright indirect sunlight for optimal growth. This resilient plant can survive in low light conditions as well. Due to its tropical nature, your Philodendron might need supplemental fluorescent lights in the winter if you’re situated in a cold area.
Take care not to let your Philodendron sit in direct sunlight for long as this will scorch its leaves.
Philodendron Rojo Congo will need a well-draining soil mixture to thrive and reach optimal growth. Use soil that is rich in organic content and has good draining properties.
You can supplement your soil with perlite or sand to enhance its draining properties.
Be careful not to overwater or underwater your Philodendron as this can be deleterious for the plant.
Make sure you water the whole surface of the soil, not leaving any dry patches. A good guide is to let one inch of the soil over the top dry out before you water it again. This can be accurately judged by placing your finger in the soil to check for moisture levels.
The watering schedule will vary according to the season and the environment in which you place your Rojo Congo.
These are excellent indoor plants that can tolerate heat. The ideal temperature for Rojo Congo is 18-26 degrees celsius. This range is perfect for optimal health and growth.
Temperatures below 10-15 degrees Celsius are incredibly harmful to the plant and can be fatal. Make sure the plant isn’t exposed to any cold wind or draft.
You will need to fertilize your Philodendron Rojo Congo monthly during the spring and summer. A lack of fertilizer will result in poor growth and an unhealthy plant.
The plant requires good nutrition to thrive. Small and weak leaves indicate a lack of fertilizer.
When potting the Philodendron Rojo Congo, it is important to remember that it needs a well-draining system. Hence choosing a pot that has suitable bottom drainage holes is paramount.
These plants can get quite bulky and heavy; therefore, the use of a sturdy pot is essential. Terracotta or ceramic pots are ideal, they will keep the plant secure, and the risks of tipping over or breakage become minimal as the plant grows.
Philodendrons are typically slow growers. They don’t need re-potting frequently. Re-pot when you feel the plant’s roots are bulging out of the soil. The perfect time for re-potting is the spring season.
Ensure the new pot has adequate drainage holes and is big enough to host the plant. If you’re looking to maintain the size of your Rojo Congo, it is suitable to re-pot it into a similar-sized pot.
The re-potting frequency of Philodendron Rojo Congo is every 2-3 years.
Pruning the Philodendron Rojo Congo is quite simple and does not require extra effort.
Just pluck away the dead leaves shed around it and remove any yellowing leaves. Use sterile scissors to cut away any extra growth growing around the base to shape your beloved plant and maintain its elegant presence.
To facilitate new growth, make sure to prune your Rojo Congo in spring. Removing dead leaves and debris can be done all year round.
Pro-Tips for Pruning
- Start by cutting off the oldest stems and are weighed down by heavy leaves.
- Make clean cuts with a sharp knife or scissor at the joint of the stem and main trunk.
- For stems that hang below the soil, cut them at the soil level.
- Cut away yellowing leaves at the joint with a healthy leaf.
- Make sure to constantly water your plant after pruning.
Propagation of the Philodendron Rojo Congo is quite simple and can be easily carried out at home. Remember to carry out propagation during the spring season for optimal growth and propagation.
Propagation by Plantlets
This method is suitable for a mature Philodendron Rojo Congo.
- Locate plantlets at the bottom of a mature plant that has roots.
- Separate these plantlets using a sharp knife.
- Place these plantlets in their separate pots with fresh soil and keep them in a hot, humid environment for optimal propagation.
Propagation by Root/Stem Division
This is a common and popular method. This video will give a visual demonstration for you to understand the process better.
Root Division
- Take out your mature Rojo Congo from its pot to expose the roots.
- Using a sharp, clean knife to divide the main trunk into portions.
- Each division will have its own root system.
- Place these divisions in their separate pots in a fresh potting mix and water them.
- Make sure to place the divisions in a humid and warm environment for successful propagation.
Stem Division
- Cut off a stem with two or more leaves at the junction of the main trunk.
- Place the stem in water until new roots start to form.
- When the new roots are visible, shift the stem to a new pot with fresh soil.
- Water the division and keep in a warm, humid spot.
- This method can take up to 3-6 months and should be initiated in spring for the best results.
Problems with Growing the Philodendron Rojo Congo
Yellow or brown Leaves
This problem occurs when you overwater your plant. The solution to this issue is to prune away the affected leaves and re-evaluate your plant’s watering needs.
Only water your Rojo Congo when the top inch of the soil is dry. Also, keep your plant in a spot with sufficient bright indirect light to prevent overhydration.
Wilting of the stems and leaves can be due to dehydration. It means your plant is not getting enough water. This leads to a loss of turgor pressure in the stems and leaves, which causes the plant to wilt.
Inspect the soil to make sure it’s not dry all the way through. Water your plant as per its needs, and it should be back to being healthy in no time.
Translucent spots
These spots can be due to infection caused by Xanthomonas. Use a sharp scissor to cut away the affected portions and discard them.
Brown and crispy leaves
The Philodendron Rojo Congo loves indirect sunlight, but it cannot tolerate direct sunlight for extended periods. Make sure to keep your plant indirect light to eliminate the risk of scorching your plant.
Dropping leaves
Sudden dropping leaves are usually due to an environment that is too cold for the plant. Make sure your plant is not in a warm place far from air conditioners.
The ideal temperature for Rojo Congos to thrive is 18-26 degrees celsius.
Ask Away: the FAQ Section
The Philodendron Rojo Congo is highly poisonous and toxic for pets. If your cat or dog has been biting on the Rojo Congo, they might experience irritation, vomiting, and diarrhea.
Your pet might need medical assistance if they ingest a large amount of the plant. This may lead to serious respiratory and digestive complications that could be fatal for the animal.
Both these species are quite similar and could be branded as siblings. The Rojo Congo has more expansive, saturated leaves, whereas the Imperial Red’s leaves are lighter and narrower.
The main difference between the two is that the Rojo Congo is more prominent in size and grows faster than the Imperial Red.
The Philodendron Rojo Congo is considered to be rare due to its immense popularity amongst collectors and plant enthusiasts. Its unique and elegant red foliage will attract anyone who sets their eyes on it.