The Monstera Siltepecana is a trendy plant amongst avid houseplant collectors. It is popularly known as the Silver Monstera owing to its beautiful dark and light green leaves that emit a silver hue. The plant has gathered much hype on social media, and everyone is trying to get their hands on this gracefully be hue.
The Monstera species has well over 45 varieties, but today we’ll be diving into the famous Monstera Siltepecana.
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Meet the Monstera Siltepecana: Basic Knowledge And Origins
The Monstera Siltepecana belongs to the Araceae family of plants that umbrellas many other famous plant types like the Philodendron and ZZ plants.
Monstera Siltepecana is native to Mexico and Central America, where it was first discovered in the late 1800s. It gets its name from the Latin word Monstrum, meaning monster.
It is believed to be named because of its gargantuan size which can span up to 10-15 feet in the wild. The plant also boasts big bold leaves that develop fenestrations as they mature, this further enhances its majestic looks.
Monstera Siltepecana has silver streaks on its leaves when it is immature. The Silver Monstera is now an extremely popular houseplant that lifts any space it occupies.
Family Type | Araceae |
Common Name | Silver Monstera |
Botanical Name | Monstera Siltepecana Matuda |
Plant Type | Foliage and vines |
Size | 4-5 feet |
Native Area | Mexico and Central America |
Sun Exposure | Indirect sunlight |
Soil Consistency | Loose, well-draining soil |
Soil pH | Acidic to neutral |
Toxicity | Human and animals |
Common Pests | Aphids, mealybugs, scale, and spider mites |
Varieties of Monstera
This elegant plant has variable fenestrations, sizes, colors, etcetera that distinguish one type from another. There are over 45 varieties of the popular Monstera in the world. Here are a few popular kinds of Monstera.
Monstera Dubia
This unique variety of Monstera is a vine that climbs surfaces like walls and larger plants. It exhibits small heart-shaped leaves that have short stems. The leaves are a combination of light and dark green and lie flat on whatever surface the plant climbs.
Monstera Deliciosa
Also known as the ‘swiss cheese plant’, this variety is the most common and most popular type of Monstera you will find. It boasts beautiful large leaves that are fully split.
This variety of Monstera can have variegated leaves, usually a creamy white color with hints of green.
Monstera Adansonii
Also known as the ‘swiss cheese vine’, this variant is similar to the Monstera Deliciosa. The key differences are that the Adansonii is smaller, and its leaves have large fenestrations that cover up much of the leaf. The leaves are not completely split like the Deliciosa.
Monstera Obliqua
The Obliqua is an extremely rare variant characterized by paper-thin leaves that have large fenestrations that usually cover up 80-90% of the leaf. This variant is expensive due to its rarity and unique features.
Monstera Pinnatipartita
This variety of Monstera is difficult to differentiate as a young plant. It develops definitive features as it matures. Like the Deliciosa, this variant, too, has slits instead of holes in its leaves.
This gorgeous and majestic green plant with large climbing leaves could be a fantastic addition to your collection.
How to Care for the Monstera Siltepecana
Like most species of the Araceae family, the Monstera Siltepecana too requires bright, indirect light. It is a resilient plant that will thrive next to a window with bright indirect light throughout the day.
It can also survive short spells of direct sunlight, but make sure it doesn’t sit around in direct sunlight for too long. This can burn its thin and fragile leaves.
If you’re situated in a place that does not receive much sunlight, it’s better to add some fluorescent lights so your precious Monstera can grow to its true potential.
Monstera Siltepecana requires a loose, well-draining potting mix high in nutritional content for the plant to achieve its optimal growth rate and overall plant health.
You can add perlite or sand to the potting mix to further enhance its drainage properties.
Make sure you have adequate drainage holes to allow the roots to breathe.
Watering is quite simple when it comes to the Monstera Siltepecana. The resilient plant doesn’t have any complex requirements; just make sure to water the plant when the top inch of the soil feels dry to touch. You can do this by sticking your fingertip into the soil to assess dryness.
Water the plant generously until there is drainage from the bottom of the pot, then proceed to remove any access water on the top.
The watering schedule will vary according to the season and the environment in which you place your Siltepecana, but you’ll usually need to water your plant every 7-10 days.
As a tropical plant by origin, the Siltepecana prefers high humidity and high temperature to thrive. It typically does well in temperatures ranging from 12-35 degrees Celsius. However, due to its resilience, it bodes well indoors too. Just make sure that it isn’t exposed to any sort of cold drafts that can damage its fragile leaves.
Any standard houseplant fertilizer will do just fine for your Siltepecana. Just dilute the fertilizer with half parts water and use it once a month during the growing season i.e., spring and summer.
Potting the Monstera Siltepecana is fairly simple. Select the pot of your choice (ideally terracotta or ceramic) and ensure it has sufficient drainage holes on the bottom. If the drainage seems insufficient, you can always drill more holes.
Use a well-draining aerated potting mix for potting your Monstera, and make sure to do this during spring for the best results.
Monstera Siltepecana is a fast grower given the optimal conditions. You’ll know it’s time to re-pot your leafy buddy when the roots start extruding out of the drainage holes and the growth seems to become stunted.
It’s best to re-pot your Siltepecana during the spring season, so it settles into its new pot without any problems. Use a bigger pot than your last one, so there is room for the plant to grow.
Use a well-draining potting mix and water your plant when you have transferred it to its new pot. Make sure the new pot has well-established drainage through holes.
It’s best to prune your Siltepecana in the spring season. Pruning this popular plant is fairly simple.
You need to pluck out the yellowing or blemished leaves and clear away dead leaves that might have fallen into the pot. Using a sharp, sterile scissor, you can cut away any leggy stems or just generally shape the plant to your preference. Remember to cut above the node in order to facilitate new growth.
The Silver Monstera is an elite plant when it comes to propagation. It is extremely simple to propagate. Stem cuttings are the most effective and efficient way to propagate a Monstera Siltepecana.
Make sure to propagate your Silver Monstera in the spring season for optimal results.
Soil Propagation
You can efficiently propagate your Silver Monstera in soil by following these simple steps;
Using a pair of sterile scissors or knife, make an incision just below the node and make sure each stem cutting has 2-3 leaves.
The node has to be included in your cutting as this is the area from which new leaves and roots will grow.
Take a small container and fill it with your potting mix of choice. Ideally, it should be well-draining and aerated.
Place your cutting in the container with the node submerged in the potting mix.
Your potting mix should be moist and not wet. A wet potting mix will rot the cutting.
Place your container in a place with bright, indirect sunlight and leave it there for 3-4 weeks.
After 3-4 weeks, your Monstera will form new roots. You can confirm this by giving the plant a little tug. If you feel resistance, it means the roots have formed.
Once the plant has achieved sufficient size, you can transfer it to a bigger pot.
Water Propagation
You can efficiently propagate your Silver Monstera in soil by following these simple steps;
Repeat the first two steps from the soil propagation method.
Once you have a stem cutting, place it in a clear jar filled with water.
Ensure the node is emersed in the water and place it in a spot with bright, indirect sunlight.
Monitor your cutting and change the water every 5-7 days.
The new roots will take about 2-4 weeks to form.
Once the roots are 3-5 inches long, you can take out your Silver Monstera cutting and pot into a new pot with adequate drainage holes.
You can care for it from here on out like a normal potted plant.
Problems with Growing the Monstera Siltepecana
Yellow Leaves
Yellowing leaves can be due to multiple reasons;
Old leaves tend to start turning yellow on their own when it’s time for them to shed. They should be pruned off to give way to new growth.
Leaves can also turn yellow due to overwatering. Waterlogged roots are unable to absorb moisture effectively hence depriving the plant of oxygen. This leads to yellow leaves that will eventually decay and rot.
You can avoid this by regularly pruning your Silver Monstera and ensuring you’re not overwatering your plant. The soil should be moist to touch and not overly wet.
Brown Leaves
This problem might occur due to a deficiency of light or overwatering. To diagnose your situation check your soil. If the moisture levels are normal, try placing your plant in a spot with more light.
Crisp Leaves
This can be due to overexposure to direct sunlight. Make sure to keep your plant in indirect light, the Monstera can only tolerate some direct light, but long exposure will char the plant leading to crisp leaves.
Wilting Leaves & Stems
Wilted or droopy leaves and stems occur due to dehydration. When the plant doesn’t receive enough water, the stems lose their turgor pressure leading to droopy, lax stems and wilted leaves.
Water your plant whenever the top inch of the soil feels dry to touch to avoid this issue.
Discolored Leaves
Discolored leaves usually occur due to a lack of nutrients which devoids the leaves of their vibrancy. Fertilize your Monstera once a month to avoid dealing with this problem.
Ask Away: the FAQ Section
The Monstera Siltepecana is injurious to pets if ingested. It’s advisable to keep your pets away from the plant and seek medical attention if you ever catch them nibbling on a leaf.
Keep the Silver Monstera out of reach of your beloved pets.
El Salvador is a variety of Monstera Siltepecana that you will not come across often. It is a rare variation of the Monstera Siltepecana that is characterized by its larger size and expansive leaves.
Given the right environment and conditions, Monstera Siltepecana proves to be a rapidly growing vine that will climb any surface accessible to it. But, if the plant is exposed to unfavorable conditions and isn’t cared for, it will exhibit poor health and stunted growth.